Buying Cheap Marble Countertops in North Billerica

Marble is a beautiful, noble material that can work in any kind of kitchen or bathroom style–from traditional to modern, from retro to vintage. It’s especially good for elegant, luxurious styles. It makes you think of Mediterranean palaces, of Cleopatra in her bath, of traditional Roman bathhouses that were built out of the beautiful veined stone. So it’s no wonder that lots of people remodeling their homes consider marble countertops.

But the main problem? Marble is expensive. Even the low cost marble countertops such as Carrara can still put a good dent in your remodel budget. Prefabricated marble countertops can cost above $1000, whereas cut marble needs to be installed by professionals, which hikes the price even higher.

Below, we are going to look at the dos and don’ts when trying to buy cheap marble countertops in North Billerica.

cheap marble countertops in North Billerica
cheap marble countertops in North Billerica

Unless you have experience with tile-setting, never DIY with marble tiles or countertops

As with ceramic and porcelain tiles, homeowners who are knowledgeable in basic countertop-laying practices can save a lot of money by installing their own marble countertops. If you’ve never laid tiles, you’ll be better off having a professional fabricator or installer to do the work. If you opt to DIY the project, keep the following tips in mind:

          The surface must be perfectly flat, without dips or bumps that could interfere with the countertop. If the surface isn’t flat, you can apply a self-leveling compound to fill in dips and smooth out the surface.

          Marble countertops should be installed over cement board underlayment, which resists moisture damage. Regular plywood surfaces are not suitable for installing marble.

          Marble countertops can be butted tightly together for an ultra-smooth look, or you can choose to install them with gaps between the counters and then fill the joints with grout. If you go the grout route, be sure to use unsanded grout as sanded grout can scratch the surface of the marble during installation.

cheap marble countertops in North Billerica
cheap marble countertops in North Billerica

Why is it difficult to find cheap marble countertops in North Billerica?

Marble typically ranks as the most expensive countertop material. The stone itself is pricey, if only because it is quarried in Italy, Turkey, or India, and has to be shipped thousands of miles to get to you. Fabrication is difficult. Installation requires professionals. Even cheap marble countertops in North Billerica are never a DIY project

When you try to reach out to architects and designers to take an informal poll on the best picks of Marble & Granite Countertops in North Billerica for budget projects, you will find out that the process of buying low cost marble countertops is more difficult than most people think.

Honestly, it is a struggle these days to get cheap marble countertops in North Billerica. There is no one source of low priced marble countertops that can be strongly recommended

First off, “cheap marble countertops” are entirely relative—one man’s “cheap” is another man’s astronomical. Plus, many factors will affect the price you’ll pay for any type of marble—where you live, the quality you’re after, whether you’re willing to purchase a discontinued color, etc.

Understand that every type of North Billerica Marble Countertop will require some shopping around, but keep this in mind: Even after asking around about the most popular countertop options for people on a budget, the most popular budget recommendations are wood, engineered quartz, and stainless steel. As for the downright cheapest option? Good old laminate.

For the biggest discounts on select types of marble countertops in North Billerica, talk to Granite Designs USA. 

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